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How continuing staff training helps you improve your vehicle workshop

Make the most of your car hoists with Levanta

As we’ve spoken about before, probably the number one consideration when you’re designing a new workshop fitout is ensuring the best vehicle throughput. If you’re responsible for the workshop operation r, there are many things you can do to ensure you’re getting the maximum number of vehicles through your workshop each day – as well as the biggest improvement to your business’s bottom line each year.

Workshop layout, the right workshop equipment, and providing your technicians with sufficient resources all play a part – and so too does your level of staff training.

Part of ensuring the best possible efficiency and vehicle throughput is making sure your staff have the training and experience they need to operate at their best.

We asked Levanta’s workshop efficiency experts for their advice on ways to give your workshop technicians the vehicle hoist training they need to perform at their best.

How does insufficient staff training affect workshop efficiency?

Though you might think there’s not much time to be saved on each service through staff training, in fact it soon adds up to a substantial loss of time.

For example, let’s say your technician is unfamiliar with the particular new model of hoist you have installed. It may take this technician an extra 10 minutes to load the hoist correctly and carry out the lift.  Multiply those extra ten minutes by the number of vehicles you expect a hoist to handle in a day – a week – a year, and you can soon see how big a problem insufficient staff training can build up to.

Every hoist is different, and every automotive workshop often has several different types of hoist installed. If your technicians aren’t familiar with the quirks of each different car lift, you could face the problem of increased inefficiency and down time with every service.

What’s more, it isn’t just efficient work flow that can suffer – the right vehicle hoist training can make all the difference to your Workplace Health and Safety too. When staff are unfamiliar with heavy equipment, the chances of a workplace accident can only increase.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure your staff are not only properly trained to use vehicle hoists – but stay that way too.

The importance of continuing car hoist staff training

It’s not just a matter of having initial training at the time of your hoist installation, for a couple of reasons.

Of course, staff turnover is simply a fact of running any business. That means that ensuring adequate training for all your staff isn’t just a matter of ‘do-it-once-and-forget-it’.

It is also important to continue to enforce positive behaviours – such as ensuring hoists are on the locks – amongst other standard procedures that should be in place at all times.

What’s more, you must make sure your technicians who do stay with you, remain familiar with the correct systems and procedures for using your workshop’s equipment.

One way to do this is by locking in an ongoing training package with Levanta.

You can arrange for Levanta’s workshop equipment experts to visit your workshop business every six to twelve months at the time of hoist servicing or as required, both to refresh your existing staff and ensure they’re still up-to-speed, and to train any new staff who’ve been hired in the meantime.

Talk to Levanta for vehicle hoist installation and training

Levanta’s workshop equipment experts are highly experienced in fitting out and maintaining the ideal vehicle workshop for your business’s needs. They can fully train your workshop technicians – and refresh them as necessary – to ensure you get the most from your new vehicle hoists.

To find out more about car lift maintenance and how we can help make your workshop safer and more efficient, call Levanta on 1300 577 541 or use the contact forms for your local branch here.  

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