Take advantage of Levanta’s easy-to-use Return-on-Investment Calculator to evaluate the cost-efficiency, safety and profitability gains of a Levanta Roller Brake Tester for your heavy vehicle workshop.
Just key in your numbers and you’ll get a profitability estimate emailed to you in seconds.
Levanta Roller Brake Testers have played a key role in enhancing the servicing of JJ’s HV fleet. Advanced technology and engineering not only secures compliance but also makes their workshop diagnostics more efficient, reliable and safe.
Moving businesses that move the world, Toll Group are renowned for their work-class logistics operations. Securing compliance, safety and certainty in their Aussie fleets, Levanta Roller Brake Testers have been a cornerstone feature of multiple nationwide heavy vehicle workshops.
Seeking best return-on-investment, better workshop efficiency for brake testing and productivity gains, leading transport and logistics company ‘KTrans’ turned to Levanta to resolve their inefficient procedures with a turnkey solution of a Roller Brake Tester.
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